
Trends that are set to stay since Covid

We take a look at how the hospitality industry has responded to operate safely during the pandemic, and the influences that are set to stay into 2022.


Trends that are set to stay since Covid

EPoS Tailored for the Restaurant Industry

POS Ltd has worked with restaurants for many years, developing an EPoS solution tailormade for the busy hospitality industry. Our feature-rich till interface and back office software are made to save you time and money.


EPoS Tailored for the Restaurant Industry

Customer retention in uncertain times

It has been a hard year, what with COVID lurking around every corner and the possibility of further restrictions as well as inflation, supply chain issues etc, etc, etc. What we can say for certain is that the customer base now mixes their shopping experience between in-store, the internet and the hybrid click and collect methods. As we do not know what is going to happen next, it pays to be ready and able to keep attracting loyal customers. Here are some pointers that can help.


Customer retention in uncertain times

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